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Contributions of scientists and artists to society - comparison [4]
It is generally agreed that society benefits from the work of its members. Compare the contributions of artists to society with the contributions of scientists to society. Which type of contribution do you think is more valued by your society? Give reasons to support your answer.From the early ages, our society has been constantly shaped by great thinkers and inventors. Both artists and scientists have contributed to the development of our society in their respective ways. There is a controversy among artists and scientists regarding the group that has contributed more to the society. In my opinion,the contributions of scientists are valued more by our society.I feel this way because of two reasons which I will explore in the following essay.
To begin with, scientific discoveries and inventions have challenged our accepted norms in various matters.The invention of telescope by Galileo and the theory regarding earth not being at the centre of the universe made us doubt our past beliefs and ideas, ultimately paving the way for the future of astronomy and space exploration.The discovery of the three laws of gravitation by Sir Issac Newton too played a considerable role in the advancement of physics.Einstein's theory of relativity gave us valuable insight into the space- time continuum .Today we can explain almost every naturally occurring phenomenon around us with the help of science and technology which in the past was considered a mystery or pure miracle.
In addition,the contributions of scientists in the field of medicine have increased our life expectancy. The invention of the small-pox vaccine by Alfred Jenner saved countless lives across the world.The invention of chloroform, penicillin, x-rays ,blood transfusion methods all contributed to the massive advancements in the field of medical science that we see today. Disease detection and treatment can now easily be done because of these scientific discoveries.
However,having said all these,one cannot sideline or deny the contributions made by great artists.The works of renaissance painters, greatly influenced the French revolution gifting the modern society with democracy,liberty ,equality and fraternity.The works of great poets and authors too influenced our lives and society to a great extent.
In conclusion,I strongly believe that the contributions of scientists are valuable to our society than that of artists.This is because the scientists changed the way we think and also gave us various medical advancements which today can save countless lives across the globe.
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