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Locklist ----Letter of appeal for continuance workstudy

babydoll 8 / 39  
Sep 8, 2008   #1
Didn't know where this letter should be placed. Need help in proofreading, grammar and remain parallel in my sentence structure. Thank you in advance.

Current Date _-_-08

Dear xxxxxx,

When I first started El Camino College 20 years ago fresh out of high school between the years of 1984 to 1987, I didn't know who I was or what career I would fall into. During that timeframe in 1987 I started a family; I got off course, lost my focus, and moved to Arizona. Raising a family was a challenge; El Camino didn't provided supporting programs such as EOPs. My GPA went from1.88 to an improved 2.4.

First of all, after handling a difficult divorce in September 1996, I was fortunate to find my main interest I explored more than one opportunity in the job market as Computer programmer. For ten years I freelance the field as System Engineer shown on my Resume' which lead me working as Lab tech located in LMTC lab. I like to remain working in the Library basement in the LMTC as a lab technician; I can update myself in Cisco series 140-143 understanding the OSI model in variety of Operating Systems, so I'm able to resolve troubleshooting problems easily in the network domain. I can participate in work-study while attending El Camino College majoring in Biomedical Engineering Technology. Today I have a clear focus to obtain my Bachelors' Science Degree at California State University, so I can understand cytotechnologist - examine human cellular material in search of abnormalities that are the warning signs of cancer. Exploring other opportunities lead me to a career Major Biomedical Engineering Technology.

For the last two years, I have struggle with financial difficulties till present; I had no prior experience or credentials to apply for a job at a company. I need to develop my experience and continue work-study in LMTC lab.

In the meantime, attending El Camino College, I'm caring for my last living parent (Mom) who has bone marrow cancer. It has been challenging from July 2008 is when we discovered her cancer. I had dropped from 14 units to 9 units so I could remain focused and be prepared for any family emergencies. I organized In-Home services -- network of people to care for her in the following: Meals on Wheels, Palliative Care, Social Worker, Register Nurse, Nursing Aid and Doctor.

Very truly yours,

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