School Uniforms, The Good and The Bad.
School uniforms appears like an outdated idea for some North Americans. Unless a child goes to a tuition based school, it is not typically practiced by children and families. However around the globe, wearing school uniforms is the standard. Students concentrating in schools requiring school uniforms for the most part perform extremely well scholastically and appear to be happy wearing a similar outfit each day. There are many advantages to wearing school uniforms that schools in the United States ought to join into their public schools.
Former U.S. President Bill Clinton was an influential advocate of wearing school uniforms, he pleaded with the Federal Education Department that students should be required to wear uniforms due to the violence schools in America were facing over designer clothes. According to the New York Times he stated, "If it means that teen-agers will stop killing each other over designer jackets," the President said in his weekly radio address, "then our public schools should be able to require their students to require school uniforms"(Mitchell). Violence was the key argument of Mr. Clinton's plea to the public in hopes of doing something positive to combat the negative. In doing so, one of the positives of this attributed to discipline in schools and students.
Wearing school uniforms forms a level ground among students by decreasing peer pressure and bullying. By wearing the same uniforms and dressing alike; competition between students over clothing selections and the teasing of those who are dressed in less expensive clothes can be done away with altogether. In a 2013 survey by the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) and uniform manufacturer Lands' End, 86% of school leaders said uniforms make "a significant, positive impact on peer pressure," and 64% said uniforms reduce bullying" ( Others that are opposed to the idea say otherwise, some say that school uniforms do not stop bullying and may increase violent attacks. Tony Volk, PhD, Associate Professor at Brock University stated, "Overall there is no evidence in bullying literature that supports a reduction in violence due to school uniforms" (Jeffords). They also claim that the wearing of school uniforms increased the standard number of assaults. That information is yet to be determined upon more studies conducted statewide.
Another positive side to school uniforms is that it promotes a sense of pride, unity, and community spirit. According to a 2002 study of over 1,000 Texas middle school students found that students in uniform "reported significantly more positive perceptions of belonging in their school community than reported by students in the standard dress group" (Fosseen). The main pro in this argument is that they feel that the school uniform helps students feel they have the support of a community which provides a sense of belonging to the school. In the same study it mentioned that teachers perceived an increase in the level of respect throughout the school. One of the primary concerns individuals have about wearing school outfits is conformity. Individuals expect that by making kids appear to be identical, their singularity will be stifled. Nonetheless, this is not the situation. Accessories, for example, bracelets and hair clips, can spruce up a school uniform. In addition, students can wear their own particular clothing after school and on the weekends. An individual's identity is not entirely expressed by style alone. Identity is controlled by the way a person moves, feels, considers, and talks. Wearing a school uniform neither characterizes a child's identity nor eliminates it.
Lastly, another positive in school uniforms is the cost savings for parents. Parents can lessen their financial burden when their kids are limited to wearing one basic outfit each day. The main benefit to parents is that school uniforms are more cost effective than the apparel found in department stores. Uniform company French Toast states on their website that "French Toast® Official School Wear™ is less expensive than other types of clothing. A student can easily be outfitted with easy-care, long-lasting French Toast® uniforms for about $150 a year. This includes 10 to 12 items" (frenchtoast). The con to this is those stating that spending time and effort implementing uniform policies may detract from more effective efforts to diminish crime in schools and increase performance. So in other words it seems that the financial bearing of a parent isn't the issue but rather focusing on other ways to boost performance of a student is more important. Which I highly disagree with but with any positive there is always opposition regardless of the subject.
In conclusion, I have stated the positives and negatives to the requirement of school uniform policies within the United States and the educational systems. In my opinion I feel that the wearing of uniforms is beneficial anyway one looks at it. I understand that school is all about knowledge that is needed to succeed in life but a subject of what one wears while attending school is part of the policies that are set forth by the powers that be. In today's careers, employees are required to dress or look a certain way because it is part of the business they chose to be in so why would it be a problem from the earlier years of an education? Good or bad there's always an issue.
Works Cited:
Mitchell, Alison. "Clinton Will Advise Schools on Uniforms." U.S. The New York Times
National Association of Elementary School Principals, "National Survey of School Leaders Reveals 2013 School Uniform Trends,"
Shawn Jeffords, "Uniforms Won't Stop School Bullies, Experts Say,"
Toast, French. "Benefits of school uniforms."