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Improving my language skills and culture - language study plan

omoju precious 1 / -  
Aug 8, 2024   #1
Language study plan
My passion in Korean culture and language began in middle school after my older sister brought home Korean movie cassette and since then, I had been hooked by Korea's beautiful cultures and land, and when I finally got my first mobile phone after I entered senior high school, I delved down deep into its culture by researching and getting myself more acquainted with Korea's culture and language and so through various apps and platforms I have been able to learn the basics of Korean language and even started to learn Hangeul. Due to the fact that in wanted to learn Korean language, I also had to broaden my understanding of English language, to help me get a better knowledge of what I had learned, from studying Korean language and even make translations between both languages.
I plan to improve my language skills even more by joining tutorials and platforms which have been made available to people who are interested and determined in learning the language and once I have learned the language on getting to Korea I plan on taking the Korean language proficiency test and attaining at least a topik level 4 and before the end of the Korean language study year a topik level 6.
I also intend to indulge myself in online programs, where I can to speak natives of the language thereby broadening my understanding on the language and also trying reading books written in the language to know the extend at which I can process ,write and speak the language.

Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15168  
Aug 11, 2024   #2
You do not need to go into the history of your introduction to Hangul in the response statement. That is not what the reviewer is looking for. Instead, focus on your current efforts to learn Hangul. Indicate if you are self-studying, enrolled in Hangul language classes at a language center, participating in online classes, or whatever. It is important that your current learning efforts are highlighted in relation to your future study plans for Hangul. You have to also present a study plan for the English language since that is expected in this response even though the classes will be taught in Hangul. There is a 2 language study plan requirement for this scholarship. You can use the later part of this response as the basis of your revised statement.
Vera24 3 / 13  
Aug 13, 2024   #3
@omoju precious
Your narrative effectively showcases your deep passion for Korean culture and language. To enhance it, consider emphasizing specific examples of your learning journey and how achieving TOPIK levels will directly support your future legal studies and career in Korea. This will strengthen the connection between your language skills and your broader academic and professional goals.

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