The call of the void
Tell us about a concept, theory, or topic you have explored simply because it sparked your intellectual curiosity. Why do you find it intriguing? How do you want to explore it further?
"L'appel du vide", intrusive thoughts or urges usually pertaining to self-destruction. I personally experience this on a day to day basis, and at first, it used to scare me. The thought that I was dangerous to myself was a possibility that I couldn't understand. It's a concept that is commonly romanticized in media and isn't really recognized by psychology even though there is data that suggests that a significant amount of the population showcases this trait. Why is it such a widespread phenomenon, yet mentioned so little? That, I don't have an answer to yet, but I have come to a conclusion as to why it does happen. Human beings are one of the few organisms that tend to form packs and "colonies" without prioritizing the pack over themselves; we exist as free animals and are always looking for ways to experience that freedom. These self-destructive thoughts are a manifestation of that will to express our freedom. It is in a way your subconscious saying "This is my body; I own it, and I can do what I want", and no matter how inspiring this might sound it still remains somewhat terrifying.
Thank you for reading this. Its part of my application to get a scholarship to a summer program i really want to go to.
Holt Educational Consultant - / 15549 Your response lacks a key element in your presentation. How do you plan to further pursue this concept, theory, or topic? You said you don't want to find out the answers yet. Therefore, your response is counter to the instructions given. You portray yourself as already having the answer and therefore, without a need to further pursue information regarding the topic. Why don't you try to write about this from a different angle? Instead of talking about yourself, do as the instructions asks and develop a theory, idea, or concept based on what the summer program is all about? What is the main topic or objective of the summer program? How does that relate to your interests? What is it about this topic that has intrigued you the most? Once you figure out your responses to those questions, you should be able to figure out how you will further chase after information regarding it. This is all about the learning experience, it is not about pretending that you already know who you are and therefore, do not require additional information about it anymore. You took your response down the wrong path. Remember, if you do not have the response to any question, you cannot say that you have come to a conclusion. You cannot arrive at a conclusion without a theory, observation, investigation, data analysis, and result. It is because of this concept that I do not believe you have properly responded to the prompt.