What is this pandemic?
When the covid 19 Pandemic broke out in 2020 and still lasted in 2021, all of us never want to remember but cannot forget the infinite loss and pain we have suffered from. However, is covid 19 really bad for the world?
According to statistics, throughout the pandemic, when many countries enact the social distancing law, the carbon dioxide racking up in the atmosphere decreased 17% than before the Pandemic, although it soon edited that the number is only 5%. But it is worth noting that, the number of wild animals incredibly increased. The reason is in the pandemic, people do, or force to cutting back their outside activities like industry, travels, business,...and then, cities quieter, and less traffics than before, which reduces the rate of crossing - hitting (by car) animals. Amazingly, there're more and more species, especially endangered ones, appear in seas, forests, places that they haven't been there before. That's phenomenal! The pandemic is one of the worst disasters with Humans, but frankly speaking, it seems that it's a heaven for others.
It was not by accident that the Covid 19 broke out. Some say that it was laboratory material leaking, others insist that because of illegal wild animals trade,... But those share one point: Being made by humans. When the environment becomes better, many opinions appear. The extremists said that it's the end for humans. Anthropologists insist that mention in environment and species is nonsense because we should focus on how to fight with Covid. That's right! Preventing and Minimizing the bad effect of covid 19 is the most necessary thing we must do. But what we should do then when it ends? Going on a daily routine before the pandemic: traveling, transportation, industry activities,...?
The pandemic brings too much pain and loss, but is it a natural Purge? What if it's salvation? May it is a chance Mother Nature gives us to continue the human existence that the choice we choose when the pandemic end: go on destroying environment activities or do something to save our life.