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I nearly quit track after coming in dead last in my first race. - Extracurricular Essay

cosag96 2 / 7  
Dec 29, 2014   #1
This will be my go to essay for any prompt that ask for an elaboration on one of my extracurricular activities. Most of these prompts limit the short answer to 150 words.

I nearly quit track after coming in dead last in my first race. It was embarrassing; the perfectionist in me was furious at my failure to excel athletically the same way I excelled academically. However, quitting was even more anomalous to my character than failure.

That proved to be one of the best decisions I made in high school. Track became an integral part of identity. The discipline I gained from being a student-athlete became critical to my success in the classroom. My teammates became my family as I used my academic prowess to tutor struggling members before practice. I came to love running; the strenuous yet monotone movement became a form of meditation to me, offering me solace in a sometimes hectic world. Ultimately, Track taught me that success can't always be measured by trophies and awards. What matters most is what you gain from the experience.

im having issues avoiding repetitive language.
Thank anyone for the help.

vangiespen - / 4088  
Dec 29, 2014   #2
Christian, this is a very well written response to the essay prompt. I would like to caution you against submitting the same essay for every college that asks for a similar response though. You will find that it will be be best to paraphrase the essay in response to prompts in order to ensure that you accurately address the prompts provided. Remember, every university might have more expectations from your prompt response than what you have currently written. So be prepared to revise the essay to a certain degree for some universities, should the need arise. As a general essay though, the essay gives a clear view as to how this extra curricular activity has helped you develop as a person and offers an insight into how it has helped your relationship with others. You can use this for the general response, but always try to vary some points just in case the essay might sound a bit generic in some instances.
OP cosag96 2 / 7  
Dec 29, 2014   #3
Thank you for the advice.

Is the any way I can improve the ending? the very last sentence seems impersonal and weak
vangiespen - / 4088  
Dec 29, 2014   #4
You can strengthen the final sentence by including some reference to the most important lessons that you learned from your track and field experience. Then you can try to relate it to the way that you conduct yourself in the non-academic world. Elaborate upon how the track and field lessons that you learned have helped you become a better member of society and allowed you understand our personal interactions on a higher level of understanding. Remind us why you decided to not quit the track team in the process. That way we get a full circle of understanding about the effects of your track and field participation upon you.

Home / Undergraduate / I nearly quit track after coming in dead last in my first race. - Extracurricular Essay
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