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Food/drinks/tobacco;clothing/footwear and leisure/education - Ielts 1: "Table" essay

tuananhbmt012 1 / -  
Aug 15, 2021   #1

consumer spending analysis

First writing essay:
The table demonstrates about consumer spending on different items which are three categories:food/drinks/tobacco;clothing/footwear and leisure/education in five different countries in 2002.These countries are:Ireland,Italy,Spain,Sweden and Turkey.As you can see that Turkey's consumers spend on food,drinks and tobacco the most which accounts for 32,14 percentages and beside that is Ireland for about 28,91 percentages.Countries which spend on the first category for under 20 percentages are:Italy,Spain and Sweden.Moving to the next ones, there is a change in here.Italy is the country which spend on clothing/footwear the most and opposite from Italy is Sweden just about 5,4 percentages but the surprise is Ireland,Spain and Turkey share the same percentages between 6 and 7.And the last category is leisure and education which takes up the smallest percentages the five country spend on.Turkey has came back to the race with the first lead for 4.35 percentages but Spain is far from away Turkey for just about 1,98 percentages. Beside of those, Italy and Sweden have a little different for just 0,02 percentages, Italy makes up about 3.20 percentages and Sweden is over for about 3.22 percentages.

Holt  Educational Consultant - / 14982 4813  
Aug 16, 2021   #2
The data analysis will be scored down immediately due to the lack of proper page formatting. The examiner is expectinga 3 paragraph presentation that represents a summary overview and 2 report + comparison paragraphs. This compressed presentation does not help the writer meet the comparison report requirements.The analysis of the information needs to be more thorough - in terms of presentation, which is why there is a paragraph presentation requirement. Even though the wordcount was met, these did not mean that all the formatting writing, and analysis requirements were completely met. The writer took reporting shortcuts that will definitely limit the scoring potential of the report.

Home / Writing Feedback / Food/drinks/tobacco;clothing/footwear and leisure/education - Ielts 1: "Table" essay
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