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What is a book that has inspired you? (Pourquoi)

Echo 10 / 14  
Dec 6, 2008   #1
Hi, my prompt is: What is a book that has inspired you?
My choice is Pourquoi. I could really use some suggestions. Thanks.

After reading Jimmy Liao's book PourquoiI seemed to be affected by this childish "disease": "Pourquoi?" Pourquoi is a French word that stands for "why". In his picture book Pourquoi Jimmy proposed questions I could not answer. As I was going through the pages, Jimmy constantly posed questions like: Why don't birds have four feet? Why don't fish have ears? Is there a frog princess? Does she need a kiss, too? Why can't the painter explain his constantly discussed work? Why do people count sheep when they can't sleep? Do we feel happy or sad when we easily forget things? Why do we have to forgive every careless mistake? ...

Almost on every page there is a "why". The author is not asking us about the origin of the universe or the advantages of capitalism -he turned himself into a child who kept asking questions that would just drive an adult mad. On the inside front cover Jimmy drew a mother pig, shouting: "Ask'why'again and I'll beat you!", and a baby pig, confused: "Why?"

But the truth is, neither can we give satisfying answers to the questions he asked, even though these questions are usually belittled by the so-called"grown-ups"who think that they are just too mature and busy to care for the questions. In fact, however, there are just too few things in our life that are worth our pursuit -we turn into our eighties and discover that we loose most things we have gained in our lives.

When I finished this book I unconsciously turned myself into the protagonist, and questions of "why?" flooded my mind. I instantly grabbed the book, and found that my past, present and my future all lie in here! I spent my childhood walking like an adult trying to figure out ways to look more mature; I grew up, went into high school, took tests and lost myself in ticks and crosses. I kept asking for things I do not really need, and in the end I forgot my initial pursuits. Perusing each page, I seemed to have found the lost "me" again. If I could go back to ten years before, I might be able to see many common things between that little child in the book and me, but now I only know that I have changed so much while growing up, and I suppose this is the must-go path in everyone's life leading to adulthood.

The hugest impact it has had on me is that, it taught me a new perspective to understand the world. After reading this book, I found that the world is displaying itself to me in a most symmetric and most balanced way. Jimmy's philosophy was, everything has a start and an end, and while you are enjoying the process, ask as many questions as you can. Questions may not be heard by others, but we have to make sure that our own voices are heard by ourselves. The point here is not about posing questions, neither is it about answering. The meaning of Pourquoi is that through asking questions we start to look for new ways to understand ourselves, to read the world, and to find the reason of life.

And I believe there is always a perfect answer to all the questions.

EF_Kevin 8 / 13253  
Dec 6, 2008   #2
In his picture book Pourquoi Jimmy posed questions I could not answer.

The truth is that we cannot give satisfying answers to the questions he asked, even though these questions are usually belittled by the so-called "grown-ups" who think that they are just too mature and busy to care for the questions. In fact, however, there are just too few things in our life that are worth our pursuit -we age into our eighties and discover that we loose most things we have gained in our lives.

The point here is not about posing questions, and neither is it about answering. The meaning of Pourquoi is that through asking questions we start to look for new ways to understand ourselves, to read the world, and to find the reason of life.

I believe
there is always a perfect answer to all the questions.

Cool essay, you must be an interesting person!!
OP Echo 10 / 14  
Dec 6, 2008   #3
Thank you so much. BTW, do you think I should add something more to the second to last paragraph? I always feel that it's too short and not profound enough!

EF_Kevin 8 / 13253  
Dec 7, 2008   #4
Well, I remember being pretty impressed with this when I read it yesterday. I think you should feel confident about it.
ArunSaxena - / 2  
Jan 6, 2009   #5
though i haven't read the book Pourquoi, but after reading this excerpt/review, i am planning to read it for sure.
EF_Kevin 8 / 13253  
Jan 6, 2009   #6
Whatever you add at the end has to be very powerful. Usually, adding ore at the end is like watering it down. If you get inspired with a perfect sentence, go for it!
EF_Sean 6 / 3480  
Jan 6, 2009   #7
Pourquoi is the French word for why"

"In fact, however, there are just too few things in our life that are worth our pursuit - we age and discover that we lose most of the things we have struggled to gain throughout our lives."

"The biggest impact it has had on me is teaching me a new perspective to understand the world. "

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