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Differences and similarities between Oedipus and Brick(Cat on a hot tin roof)

karina973 1 / 1  
Mar 31, 2011   #1

I'm having a hard time creating my outline (for tomorrow!) and I need your help. I will have to write 1200-1500 words on the following topic : Compare and contrast any 2 of the plays studied in class based on theme or character or symbolism. Since it's an open subject, I decided to write about Oedipus Tyrannos, by Sophocles, and Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, by Tennessee Williams.

I would like to discuss 2 similarities and 2 differences (so 4 body paragraphs). I started to analyze the characters of Oedipus and Brick and this is what I found:

1-Oedipus and Brick both receive the help of 2 people to bring out their real nature (Oedipus = Creon and Tiresias, Brick = Maggie and Big Daddy)
2-Oedipus and Brick both fall into problems after they discover the truth (oedipus blinds himself, Brick get into alcoolism).

1-Oedipus ignores the truth and wants to know it.
2-Brick knows the truth but wants to ignore it.

** I think that my 2 differences could go together but I don't know how to write the sentence. And it would imply that I have one missing difference ... can you help me find ideas ?

Thanks in advance

butterbescotch 6 / 41  
Apr 3, 2011   #2
Maybe differences on what they value. The environment of the time when they exist. What lesson did they learned. What is their theme.
EF_Susan - / 2364 12  
Apr 3, 2011   #3
Try googling this:
personality traits, list

That will give you a lot of ideas about personality traits, and you will notice some that represent meaningful differences or similarities.

You can also google this:
how to, character analysis

A good strategy is to write about how the characters changed during the story.
I think you have some good ideas here, and you seem like a great student.

After you write body paragraphs about the sims and differences, add an intro to the beginning, and let it express a theme that sort of described the relationship you see between the two --- give a thesis statement with a concept (a memorable word or phrase) that expresses the interesting thing about the relationship between the two.

Always write the intro last! :-)

I know you already finished the paper, probably, but I hope these ideas help you in the future.

OP karina973 1 / 1  
Apr 3, 2011   #4

Thank you very much for your advice! No, I haven't started the paper yet. I only had to hand in the outline and I will receive comments from my teacher next friday. But I have to start before friday if I want to have time to finish it...

it's the first time someone tells me to finish with the introduction ;) it might work!
thank's again for your help!


thanks for the suggestions, I can still change my outline so I will analyze what your ideas are...

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