Hello Kandala, and welcome to EssayForum!
Please give us a little more information about what you're looking for- what is this for an assignment? A short paragraph, a research paper, a dissertation? Also, what is Shoppers' Shop? Is that a store?
You may want to start off with research. If Shoppers Shop is a specific store, that means you'll have three kinds of sources:
1. Preexisting literature about consumer behavior in other stores [you can compare or contrast to this literature]
2. Any research you make personally, including interviews, surveys, or observations,
3. Any literature regarding SHoppers Shop specifically. This can include company publications, stock reports, newspaper or magazine articles about the store, or any other marketing-based literature.
Once you have some sources, try to write a thesis. What do you want to prove with your paper?
Do that, come back here, and we'll be welcome to help some more!
Yep, Tim really makes it sound simple!! Actually it is. Even though there is an enormous amount of literature in the field, only a portion of the marketing lit pertains to supermarket shoppers. That is still pretty big, so when you search a database you will see examples of specific areas of focus -- coupon strategies; branding; etc. Some articles have case examples, and some have surveys.
YOUR JOB is to read several hunred pages of these articles, taking notes as you go along, and come up with a creative research project of your own. After you read 300 pages of researchstudies, (and also read Cresswell's 2008 work about research methods) YOU WILL BE READY! You will be an expert.