I need a hook and a self-made title for my paper. Its basically about going to the museum choosing a interesting sculpture... i got the questions that she needs us to asnwer and convert it to essay format, and i have all the information and description... so can anyone help me with
a hook and a title?
Sculpture I chosen:
Would be greatly appreciated!
Edit: A title...
I Can't Even Find the Perfect Brush So I Can't Paint What's Going Through My Mind
Is it about the sculpture, or is it about the trip?
How about a ridiculously short sentence as a hook... like:
agh! I can't think of a two-word sentence. The hook comes from a brainstorm. Sometimes writing the essay serves as that brainstorm, and when you hear the hook in your head you add it to the beginning.
Or, you can start with a brainstorm, and see what hook comes to mind:
A sculpture? You need to brainstorm. Storm the worm. Storm the street. Street storm, storm away from the norm. Storm worm words. Warm words, words that come from that weird place. Place full of clay. Rise up out of it. Out of the clay. Raw material, it's all clay. Clay is the norm, but it takes different forms. All about a trip to the museum of art. Periodic chart. Clay art. Playing with clay, because it's like us. Looking at the elements on that periodic chart, it's like clay art; the molecules take different forms, different combinations of electrons and protons, but at a subatomic level it is the same raw material. We are all the same clay, configured as different kinds of molecules, but essentially all the dirt and bone and rock and clay are all the same stuff. Same raw material. We are the clay art. Sculpture is everything as we rise up out of the muck.
Intelligence takes form, rises out of the muck, rises out of the clay, and now we can see the truth of everything when we see the clay shaped into this and that.
Quotations make excellent hooks, so if you can't think of anything interesting to say about your topic to open with, find something someone else has said about it that is interesting, and steal it. Just don't forget to cite so you aren't guilty of plagiarism.