If you could give me insight on my essay and how to improve my message id be very grateful.
First give a small introduction:
Bulling is an aggressive behavior. It might be fighting, threatening, name-calling, teasing, or excluding someone repeatedly etc. Many kids are embarrassed to be bullied and may not tell their parents or another adult right away. It should be taken as serious problem and the parents and school teachers should collaborate to solve this type of crime.
... continue your argument based on this concept.
Bulling is an aggressive behavior. It might be fighting, threatening, name-calling, teasing, or excluding someone repeatedly etc. Many kids are embarrassed to be bullied and may not tell their parents or another adult right away. It should be taken as serious problem and the parents and school teachers should collaborate to solve this type of crime.
... continue your argument based on this concept.
If you could give me insight on my essay and how to improve my message id be very grateful.
Do some research to find facts for the topic. Google would be a great source for that. Then follow the normal essay structure - Introduction, Body paras and Conclusion for this essay too. Support your reasoning with good examples. (Google and find out some case studies) This is a very good topic and you can easily come up with a great essay :)
Do your draft and post it here for our feed backs :)
Do some research to find facts for the topic. Google would be a great source for that.
Yes, Google is the best friend. Everything you can find there. Also, If you think that you need some feedback, you post your writing as a preliminary draft here. Or, if you don't want to post it, use this site (EF) to look at other peoples' essays for ideas.