the "Leadership" essay question
Good Evening everybody,
I have applied for Chevening Scholarship last year and was not selected, hence, I have decided to apply once again this year with stronger essays to avoid what happened last year.
I have a question concerning the "Leadership" essay. I have read a lot of online essays and met colleagues who have got the scholarship, most of them said your essay should include clear examples of: specific problem, your role, your solution, the outcome. But, in my essay I started talking about my humble leadership skills since I was a kid "primary" leading school's sports and activities until I became a university student and won a writing competition and led a team of volunteers at a cultural institute. Then, I started talking about my position as an English language teacher and how I am helping non-native children to acquire new language and skills and how I enabled them to express themselves confidently, expand their knowledge and improve their academic and personal skills. Does it seem without mentioning detailed examples? or I have to give examples for each position or level in my life since I was a student? Taking into consideration, I have tried to, but there were no clear examples to mention unless those related to my current work.
Awaiting your kind response..
Many thanks in advance for your kind help ..If you have a recent history that encompasses these premises, put it. You have to explain the results that your leadership caused, as it influenced, what made them visualize you as a leader. And I believe that the more recent the example, shows that you have always practiced this characteristic. Your story, you know. Play hard and good luck to us.
Dear Lany,
Thank you so much, I'll try to re-work on it to highlight the results my leadership cased as you said. And good luck to all of us!
Holt Educational Consultant - / 15585 Ghaidaa, your essay content is extremely weak from what I can tell. You are focusing on simplistic leadership skills alone when Chevening is looking for national leaders and influencers in the country. You have to prove that you can make a difference in the lives of your students beyond being just their teacher. While all teachers are admirable, not all of them can be considered to be true leaders and influencers beyond the classroom setting. What else do you do other than teach the students? How do you, in your current capacity, help to train them to become future leaders in your country?
The essay becomes stronger through examples that portray a national relationship to the goal of the essay. Notable community organization membership on your part can help improve your essay. Provided the NGO is of note and the activities you participated in clearly indicate that you held an important leadership role, the situation you were faced with is something that has a direct impact on the lives of the people, and that your solution (influence) led to the betterment of the community.
Go beyond the simplistic idea of leadership and influencing as you have it understood now. You need to go the extra mile to prove that you have the ability or the resources to change the lives of your countrymen should you be awarded and once you complete your studies under the Chevening sponsorship. The national impact of your leadership and influencing skills at present are very important to this presentation. National impact in leadership and influencing is the key phrase here.
Thank you for this clarification Mary, this is really so helpful and highly appreciated .. I've rewritten it and mentioned some examples as you advised which made it really stronger. Can I send you my new essay privately? Thank you for being such helpful and cooperative person like you are ...
A QUESTION CONCERNING CHEVENING SCHOLARSHIP - leadership and influencing skills
Good morning everyone. I am new here and I need help.
Concerning Chevening scholarship, can anyone who hasn't had any course to lead profession-wise write any form of leadership and influencing skill she's got in any other areas?