I have needed to create an extended essay of sustainable and green design and to pick a popular design in each of these topic and to critic and argue that one is better than the other.
Could any one help me with some idea's or if any one knows any designs which links to these topics?
Thank you.
I would suggest researching these topics on google first. Then find several examples of each kinds of design and talk about them. Talk about which ones is more economical ore environmental-friendly or easy to implement or profitable. Talk about these things.
I have found many different examples, for example, the green chair, a wind up torch and such, I have found information on them as well, but I need an argument in my essay and I'm struggling to figure out what to argue about
thank you for the reply.
Well, I would think this one would be an easy one. Take a side. Is going green better than simply going for the sustainable, more efficient devices? Take a stance and argue for your side. Try this - it should give you some ideas how to start.
Thank you. I have researched on the differences between sustainable and green design but would you be able to point out the main differences?
This article will definitely help you understand the differences:
qualifiedremodeler.com/print/Qualified-Remodeler/Green-vs-S ustainable--Discerning-the-Difference-/1$922
Sustainable designs just last long even if it is bad for the environment.
Green is self explanatory (but not necessarily sustainable)
Sustainable AND green is THE way to go. :)
That article was extremely useful, but now it has got me thinking differently and maybe to an analysis on ipod and itunes vs. walkmen (or another highly propular mp3 player), this is because i need to link my extended essay towards design and technologie. and btw, i really appreciate the help. :)
I have actually changed my idea, to
Ipod video vs. Zune which is more sustainable or green
Both competitive products and technology is really up my street.
Any insight, ideas, comments or comtrebutions would be greatly appreciated.
better than the other.
Well, for iPod vs. Zune, how do you judge which is better? Is it about which is perceived to be better? Or is it about which is actually greener? And in what way is Zune grener?
If Zune is created as a greener alternative to iPod, the makers must have articles about the benefits. So... got any articles by the makers? Any articles by product reviewers?