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machiavelli , lao Tzu and edward henderson - comparison and contrast eassy

vectoria 1 / 5  
Dec 6, 2009   #1
Hi every one
I am Vectoria

I need help in writing a comparison and contrast eassy about machiavelli , lao Tzu and edward henderson: what did they say about rulers and their subjects? Which of their ideas does Captain Jack Aubrey seem to follow?

I hope to find a suggestion how could I write such an essay

I need it as fast as possible :>


OP vectoria 1 / 5  
Dec 7, 2009   #2
where is every one ..

I really need your help :'(
EF_Kevin 8 / 13288 129  
Dec 8, 2009   #3
You should google compare and contrast essay in order to see an outline of how to write that kind of essay. Here is a good one rscc.cc.tn.us/owl&writingcenter/OWL/Com_Con.html

LaoTzu is the opposite of Machiavelli. You need to read the writings of both, and both are available online. You'll see that Lao Tzu urges leaders to rule by letting things be as they are, but Mach advises rulers to be ruthless in order to preserve their safety and dominance. This should be a very interesting essay, but you must read all the necessary literature. It kind of seems like you are hoping someone will just tell you what to write so that you do not need to do the reading! Start with Lao Tzu, and read from the back of the book to the front (because his advice about ruling occurs in the latter half of the book. taoteching.org/
Keng 39 / 134  
Dec 8, 2009   #4
For my suggestions, you have to know about their effusive behaviors.

Make a list of the similarity and dissimilarity.

You may choose point-by-point.

All of them are not happy, however, if two are rich and the other is poor.
Two do not like cats and one do not, either.

This is my advice.
OP vectoria 1 / 5  
Dec 8, 2009   #5
Thank you ] very much [b]EF_Kevin[/b for your reply

I already know about Lao Tzu and Machiavelli because im studying their books this semester at University.

The problem is that i don't know how to start my wrting which make confused about the whole essay.

I know enough information to write but i couldn't find a way to compare between the 3 charachters !

i found difficulty in this because i am not english speaker!
OP vectoria 1 / 5  
Dec 9, 2009   #6
waiting for your advices

this is my e-mail

shjoon-1 @ hotmail.com

please contact me if you want to help me

EF_Kevin 8 / 13288 129  
Dec 9, 2009   #7
i couldn't find a way to compare between the 3 charachters !

Yes, that is so hard! Well, you know these 2 are opposites, so you can think of what you know about them while you read Henderson.

Mach says the prince should be ruthless.
Lau tzu says heaen and earth are ruthless.
What would henderson say about ruthlessness? Whatever your answer is, PROVE it in the essay.


Kind regards!
OP vectoria 1 / 5  
Dec 11, 2009   #8
thank you dear

i wrote my essay but i want someone to feed back

so please , contact me ,, shjoon-1@hotmail.com

i can't put my essay because i will submit my esaay to my teacher via safe assignment (system discovers if i copied my essay from somewhere in the internet)

thanks and i will wait for you guys
EF_Kevin 8 / 13288 129  
Dec 13, 2009   #9
If you use your full name when you create your EssayForum membership, anyone who find your essay here will see your name next to it in the lower right part of each post.

OP vectoria 1 / 5  
Dec 30, 2009   #10
I did that before and i wrote my ful name !

by the way ,i submitted my essay to my teacher and he gave me good grade ! ^_^

Thanks for all who tried to help :)

Vec toria

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