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What does it mean to be well-educated? Book smart vs. Street smart

chocolateshoppe 5 / 19 4  
Jan 5, 2013   #1
Prompt: what does it mean to be well-educated?

I feel like this response is kind of going in loops. I guess it does answer the question, but I'm wondering if it answers it thoroughly enough?

Thank y'all in advance! :D


She spent all her days in the library, and now she's completed her Master's degree with top notch marks! Is she well-educated? Maybe, but not quite. He dropped out of college halfway through but with that cunning mouth of his, he can get himself into anywhere! Is he well-educated? Perhaps, but not really. The term 'well-educated' is really quite amorphous, and the meaning tends to shift quite a bit from decade to decade. Back in the 19th century, well-educated meant having the right etiquette to behave correctly in all situations, including speaking multiple languages to greet foreign guests. In modern day 21st century, being well-educated is certainly affiliated with the achievement of numerous degrees and certificates. It's as if the word well-educated is having an identity crisis! What does it mean, really? It's a matter of street-smart vs. book smart. The typical Victorian lady may be well-mannered and all, but she really doesn't have the necessary knowledge to survive a real crisis. As for the book smart guy, when it comes to asking a girl out on a date, he's clueless! Now I may be exaggerating a bit but what I'm trying to say is that well-educated person needs to be well-rounded, a mixture of both street smart AND book smart. This person is sociable, can think outside of a textbook yet can also benefit from textbook knowledge. Eureka! That there, madames and monssieurs, is what I call a well-educated individual.

OP chocolateshoppe 5 / 19 4  
Jan 5, 2013   #2
Hi thanks I've only recently become a member :)

I will look at yours, but can you look at mine too? Much appreciated my friend!
Taishi 1 / 3  
Jan 5, 2013   #3
I like your essay a lot!! and completely agree with your idea:) But one thing I should say is that it is hard to say asking a girl out is educated.. you should use another example I guess!! But again, your essay is great!!

Can you read mine and give me any feedback please?? I want to improve my essay!! you don't need to correct my grammatical mistakes!
kabal 9 / 61  
Jan 5, 2013   #4
I love this essay. The angle you used tells me a lot about you and shows how rounded you are.

In modern day 21st century you can just say today. Also in this same sentence, you talked about the meaning of well educated in today's world but you failed to say how important it is. Also, being well educated is important , but not necessary.Facebook guy didn't finish school. This would be a good example to show the meaning and importance of getting an education but street education is always important .

Very nice essay. and unique.
lornam 3 / 16 3  
Jan 6, 2013   #5
In modern day 21st century, being well-educated is certainly affiliated with the achievement of numerous degrees and certificates.

"certainly" kind of comes out of nowhere - it seems as though it should allude to something said earlier, but I feel that it's too far from the intro to allude to the information presented there without seeming awkward. Does that make sense? And this may or may not be significant, so feel free to ignore this if you disagree.

But otherwise, I really like it. It's a lot more colloquial than all the other essays I've read - not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing, but it definitely stands out.

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