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"International affairs, economics" - Program of Study in the USA- for muskie program

aneta_gab 3 / 5  
Nov 7, 2010   #1
Write an essay describing your intended program of Study in the US, including specific interest, potential coursework, and/or research topics. cannot exceed 500 words.

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Today I can say, that distance learning course "South Caucasus and middle East" became a milestone for my future career .
Today I choose for my graduate level the International affairs- which became more close to me since my work with UNHCR. Working at the as a senior field clerk - under the protection unit . I was responsible to conduct monitoring and evaluation mission of the IDPs in west Georgi- collect information about the IDPS rights , lack of information, living conditions. . "Basic Security in the Field" , " Advanced Security in the Field" ",Protection Induction Program" -was the course I successfully passed in UNHCR.

Beside my responsibility at workplace I discover that I have amazing potential- with my new skills, with my knowledge of Civil Society development and interest in Conflict prevention management- I apply for a online certification program on "Interfaith conflict resolution" and "Conflict Analysis" -which is provided by the United States Institute of Peace" . Additionally, I was y admitted for a foundation course on "Peace and conflict studies", administrate by The University for Peace. Besides that, I collaborate with the Peace and Collaborative Development Networ. Interesting in International affairs I work on Democracy and Civil society issues. This year I prepared some articles for Russkin college, Oxford, UK.

Based on my knowledge and experience ,during my studies at US university, I want to concentrate my attention on peace issues, conflict prevention and conflict management. Learning the experience of other countries and study the contemporary tools of conflict prevention. what are the different aspects of conflicts- based on religion and ethnicity problems; political an historical evaluation of conflict in different regions of the world , but particularly I'm interested to study the conflict in East Europe, Caucasus, / Ex Soviet Union countries./ what is the contemporary point of view and problems and geopolitical perspective of this states?

As a experienced NGO worker and representing of young democratic country- during my stay in US I would like to learn- what is a influence of economic on conflicts, what are the possible decisions, what are the tools to control the influence of one State to another . what are the contemporary diplomatic approach of conflict resolutions?

Finally, I want to concentrate my attention to the future of International development and communication and prepare a comparative research based on new political information, evaluation . USA environment is the best place to discover, research and study . I'll have possibility to see how the principles of peace and human rights are realized in real life, how actively civil society is involved in planning of international policy planning.

USA education propose interesting perspectives- for me ; and I'm sure that I can not only learn at the University but became a new bridge for USA and Georgia(Caucasus) for collaboration, networking and achieving the main goal- peace and security in the region.

if I have possibility to write my final thesis I prefer to prepare it on

EF_Kevin 8 / 13059  
Nov 16, 2010   #2
Capitalize Middle.

... became closer to me since my work with UNHCR.

I was wo rking at the as a senior field clerk - under the protection unit.

...was the course I successfully passed in UNHCR.(before you end the paragraph, give a sentence to tell what insights you drew from these experiences.

Beside my responsibility at the workplace, I discovered that I ...

Capitalize the first word of the sentence:
What are the different aspects of conflicts- based on...

What is a influence of economic on conflicts, what are the possible decisions, what are the tools to control the influence of one State to another, and what are the contemporary diplomatic approach of conflict resolutions?

... and achieving the main goal- peace and security in the region.---This is a very nice ending.

Home / Graduate / "International affairs, economics" - Program of Study in the USA- for muskie program
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