Prompt: Please explain why this activity is meaningful for you.
Working as a medical scribe has given me first hand exposure to the field of emergency medicine. Although my role is strictly clerical and
does not allow for any medical care, I have gotten one of the best exposures to emergency medicine, disease processes, medical
decision making, and procedures. It has also given me an opportunity to understand the physician's thought processes and document
them accordingly. Since I am alongside a physician for much of the duration, my curiosity would drive me to tap into the potential
knowledge that would be present before me. Furthermore, my training covered curriculum that gave me a glimpse into the field of
medicine such as medical terminology, pathophysiology, emergency procedures, and more that would help me become an valuable
scribe. Additionally, because I am also an EMT, it complements well with my scribe because as an EMT, I transport patients to the
hospital, and as a scribe, I get to observe what happens to the patients afterwards. Like my role as an EMT, my job as a scribe has given
me valuable assets that can help me become an effective physician. It has helped me improve qualities in myself that would be valuable
to have as a physician, which include critical thinking, adaptability, organization skills, and proper management of stressful situations.
Working as a medical scribe has given me first hand exposure to the field of emergency medicine. Although my role is strictly clerical and
does not allow for any medical care, I have gotten one of the best exposures to emergency medicine, disease processes, medical
decision making, and procedures. It has also given me an opportunity to understand the physician's thought processes and document
them accordingly. Since I am alongside a physician for much of the duration, my curiosity would drive me to tap into the potential
knowledge that would be present before me. Furthermore, my training covered curriculum that gave me a glimpse into the field of
medicine such as medical terminology, pathophysiology, emergency procedures, and more that would help me become an valuable
scribe. Additionally, because I am also an EMT, it complements well with my scribe because as an EMT, I transport patients to the
hospital, and as a scribe, I get to observe what happens to the patients afterwards. Like my role as an EMT, my job as a scribe has given
me valuable assets that can help me become an effective physician. It has helped me improve qualities in myself that would be valuable
to have as a physician, which include critical thinking, adaptability, organization skills, and proper management of stressful situations.