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"Sick and on medications" - personal essay for pharmacy school

yusuen 1 / -  
Oct 25, 2012   #1
Hello everyone, please help me with my personal essay for pharmacy school. All your inputs, comments, suggestions, and corrections on this paper would be very appreciated. Thank you very much for all your help.

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I had always been sick and on medications when I was young, but yet I never realized the importance of understanding the pharmaceutical effect and my deep hidden passion for the pharmacy until the incident that happened more than three years ago. It was a hot summer day in July, I still remembered vividly. While everyone was having a great time, talking, laughing, and celebrating my mother's birthday, my father suddenly became ill. He was rushed to the emergency room, and later found to be suffered with a massive stroke which affected the left side of his body. The reason for his stroke was due to his lifelong suffering with hypertension and partly for his improper discontinuation of medications for the hypertension. When my father was discharged from the hospital and the nurse gave my mom and I, a bag of medications with a list of instructions. We were horrified and confused with the amount of medications, the names of drugs that we could not even pronounced, and the instructions that required us to follow exactly. To seek better understanding of the drugs, I decided to go to a local pharmacy and ask for help. I was amazed by the pharmacist who helped me that day. Her knowledge of all the medications was exceptional. She knew all the medications, the dosages, possible complications, route of administration, and to be able to simplify everything that a regular person like me could understand. By understanding the usage and the type of medications, I was able to alleviate some of the tensions and frustrations for my family. From this personal experience of mine and considering the profound impact that pharmaceutical expertise could bring to my family in particular and to the community as a whole, my interest in pharmacy began to flourish.

As my passion and interest for the pharmacy are flourishing, I decided further in this field because I want to be proactive in giving the patients and their family members the same answers and understandings about medications that I once sought for myself and my family. In preparation for a pharmaceutical career, I decided to shadow the same pharmacist who inspired me when I first came for help. By observing Dr.xxxxxx filled the prescriptions, talked with insurance companies, suggested alternate routes with physicians, and took time to counsel the patients on each interaction, it made me anxious to be, one day, a part of this exciting profession and be able to change patients' life for the better. Volunteering and observing Dr.xxxxx, have given me an amazing experience of what is like to be on the other side of the counter helping patients who are in need of medications. I learned one of the most important concepts of effective pharmaceutical care is to provide emotional commitment to the welfare of patients as individuals with compassion, concern and trust. I believe that it is essential that patients need to have enough confidence and trust in their pharmacists, together with the medical doctors, to express their true feelings and concerns. Therefore, when I become a pharmacist, I will continuously strive and look for ways to better communicate with patients so that their doctors and I are able to offer the best care possible. With my fluency in the Chinese language in reading, writing, and speaking, I could be a great and more accessible pharmacist for a greater range of patients that could include Chinese speaking patients. In the aspiration to become the best pharmacist that I can be, I also wanted to make sure that all of my patients deserve the best quality of care in terms of the right drugs, dosage, route of administration, and the understanding of potential complications from their medications or prescriptions.

My father's incident indeed was unfortunate for my family, but it has helped me to realize my true career passion. I believed that with my hard work ethic, personal commitment, and perseverance, I would become a successful pharmacist. With the doctorate degree in pharmacy, I could inevitably help my family and potential patients that come to me, from going through the same medical nightmare that my family faced by providing personal, caring and genuine guidance and advice regarding medicine.

Thank you

admission2012 - / 476  
Oct 30, 2012   #2

While you have a few grammatical mistakes, this essay is pretty standard and should not pose any problems for you. You talk about how you interest in Pharmacy came about and what you wish to do post-degree. What I would advise you to add is maybe a sentence or two about what intrigues you about Pharmacy and what aspect of studying Pharmacy excites you. -AAO

Hope this helps.

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