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SOP for Masters in Data Science program in Northeastern University

revanth92 2 / 2  
Oct 16, 2017   #1
Please upload a personal statement of no more than one page, describing your goals and reasons for pursuing a graduate degree in computer science. If you feel that the application materials submitted do not adequately reflect your abilities, feel free to explain here.

background: i have a very low GPA, around 5 on a scale of 10

great opportunity for me

My interest in data science began when I first watched the film Moneyball, a sports-based film on a true story where the Manager of a baseball team uses statistics to form a team on a very low budget and performs surprisingly well. This technique called sabermetrics, changed the way managers view sports. Being a sports enthusiast, I discussed a lot about sports like soccer and cricket since my childhood and most of us used to support our statements with stats to some extent. The possibility of applying the same in everyday life excited me. Application of data in fields like healthcare will not only improve the business but also improve the quality of life. To me, the possibilities of Data are limitless; hence I commit myself to the innovative application of it.

During my undergraduate studies, I've seen many ups and downs that helped me understand my strengths and weaknesses. I performed very poorly in my first two years. I was young, amateur and foolish.There was a time when people around me thought I would drop out. I believe, Life is similar to a game of chess, bad moves can't be undone but, the damage can be minimized by good moves. I started fighting back, I had to retake classes all my summers. I lacked prerequisites and hence scored very less in the internal tests that carried 40% of the overall weight which resulted in poor grades. Though my grades were bad, it gave me sufficient motivation and character that I will carry with me the rest of my life. I believe my grades don't reflect my intellectual ability.

After my undergraduate studies, I made a transition to become a data analyst. I'm currently working at zealeers technologies private limited a start-up where initially I worked on SQL and MS Excel. Later, I started using python. I deal with data in fields like healthcare and e-commerce mostly. I'm using python on a daily basis to deal with data. I use packages like pandas, numpy, matplotlib to analyze and visualize data. The company grew with time along with which my responsibilities also increased rapidly. I realized the need to widen my knowledge so as to deal with complex data in this data-driven world.

I believe, the MS in Data Science program in Northeastern University, would not only help me gain skills in algorithms, machine learning, python, R but also help me gain domain knowledge in business analytics and healthcare. One of the reasons why I would like to be a part of your university is the co-op opportunities that are available.

It would be my privilege to study at Northeastern University which is held in high esteem in the world. I'm positive that the course structure, curriculum and the real- world approach offered by the Northeastern University will play a huge role in my life as both a student and a professional.

Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15171 4859  
Oct 16, 2017   #2
Revanth, rather than opening with a reference to the movie, why don't you open with a statement that tells the reviewer something about the development of your interest in the field of Data Science instead? After all, the reason you saw that movie was because you liked the plot. So your foundation in data science came from somewhere. Where do you think it stems from? Talk about that foundation instead at the start of the essay. I want you to focus about 60% of the essay on the foundation of your interest because that is what the personal statement is all about. The telling of how you came to be interested in this topic and what preparations you have done in the course of your studies to prepare for the MS. You need to better explain your college GPA because right now, there isn't much in terms of building the confidence of the reviewer in the idea that you have what it takes to complete and pass this course. Talk about how you changed during your college years because you almost got kicked out of the program and what steps you took to create a better version of yourself as a student. That is integral in convincing the reviewer that he might do well to take a chance on you.

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