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Statement of Purpose for Business Informatics/Management Information Systems

lebronzey 1 / -  
Mar 7, 2019   #1

BI/MIS Master Study application

Hello everyone , Im going to apply to some universities for BI/MIS Master Study . Here is my statement of purpose , any feedback is appreciated .

My name is xx and I am a 22 years old Turkish Cypriot student from Nicosia, North Cyprus. At the moment I am a 4th year student at xx University studying Business Administrations and I will graduate later on this year.

I personally believe that completion of my undergraduate study is just the beginning of my academic education and I'm hoping to continue my further education by pursuing Master Studies in Business Informatics/Management Information Systems at your University.

I've had an interest on technology since my childhood when I was first introduced to my own personal computer. Since then I almost spent every day in front of my computer researching and playing games. During my undergraduate study, I've been introduced to much wider variety of classes that fused technology and business together. These classes helped me develop my interests and knowledge about this field.

Aside from my education, I also applied and successfully completed an internship program at a local bank last summer, giving me experience in many areas including teamwork, communication skills, time management and problem solving. I also had first-hand experience at using information systems and taking care of customers face to face. Also, it taught me how to become a responsible adult by teaching me how to take care of my problems and take responsibility.

Furthermore my success and enjoyment in these classes and internship influenced my decision to pursue my Master Studies in this subject.
I find BI/MIS interesting because it offers a middle ground for Business and Technological areas while offering flexibility to find jobs in many different industries.

Outside of school, I really enjoy reading books. My favourite genres are science fiction, dystopian fiction and fantasy genres. Apart from reading books, I also like gardening and watching history documentaries about Early Modern Period and World Wars.

As for my goals , after getting my masters diploma I hope to start and develop my own business to provide proper Information Systems to local businesses in my home country . Given that I succeed in my home country, I want to expand my business into international markets.

I believe that completion of this Master Study will bring me one step closer to my Goals and give me International Experience required to succeed in this field.

As a conclusion, I believe that studying abroad is going to be one of the hardest challenges of my life. However I believe that the outcome is very much worth the trouble and I am confident that I am capable of accomplishing this challenging task.
Holt  Educational Consultant - / 14982 4813  
Mar 8, 2019   #2
@lebronzey set this essay aside and use it as the basis of your personal statement when that requirement comes up. This is nowhere near being a proper statement of purpose. A statement of purpose is exactly what it is called, an essay that represents the purpose you have for higher academic study. Since you do not have the prerequisite 2 year professional experience prior to enrolling in a masters course, I am wondering if you are applying to one of those direct pathway masters degrees. If you are, then you have to come up with a better essay than this.

For starters, you should explain why you have decided to take the direct pathway instead of gaining work experience first. A practice often done to provide the student with a true purpose for his advanced studies. Why do you feel that you can do better by immediately studying a masters course? What purpose do you have for it? How does this apply to your future professional goals? Make the reasons and purpose clear. Don't just rattle off your qualifications. The qualifications need to suit the purpose that you have. At this point, you don't really have anything written here except for an academic and related experiences listing, which doesn't qualify as a statement of purpose.

Write a real statement of purpose. One that actually shows a reason for your studies and an actual professional application once you graduate. Don't just rattle off previous experiences. It doesn't give your interest in advanced studies a purpose. Focus on presenting a believable academic and professional goal in relation to your purpose for immediate higher study rather than working first then enrolling in a masters course.

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