Writing Feedback /
I'm Vietnamese and my name is Thu Ba (that mean: autumn wave in English). I'm very delighted if you read my writing and comment on me. I have learned English for a long time but I'm still bad at English. Please help me improve skill of writing by your comment about grammar, punctuation and how to using correct words...THE FIRST FRIEND IN MY LIFE
People often called me Little Third and called her Little Fourth. Both of us were only daughter in two families next door. At that time, two families were poor. Her mother sold sponge cakes and often was absent from her house. As for my mother was also busy all day. Therefore we were more and more familiar with each other because of children game such as tig, tag, jumping rope, and making house...
I still remembered she often took me to visit her kinsmen also being our neighbours. Whenever she was got gifts, she all divided me a half, even that was a lemon or star-fruit. And as for me I rarely gave her something because my parents were economical, seldom bought me a gift or a cake. There was a time, the Little Fourth was eager to carry my baby brother in her arm. Maybe my brother was too heavy for her to carry therefore she was stubbed and tumbled down on the ground. My brother cried out and she also burst into tear because of pain. When she fell down, she was scratched in her face and her knees. I felt very sorry about that although I didn't request her for carrying my brother. On the contrary, she required me to give my brother to her carrying. In deed, I was both blameworthy and was pity on her. After that, all remember of her house looked at me with cold eyes but she was still a good friend of me.
I never forgot how we shared every of sour green lemon with each other. I still remembered she helped me cut grass to feed rabbit every evening. We both did and told together. No matter where she went, she took me following. She considered me a real closed friend and I was grateful for all her mercies to me. All of words couldn't describe my love for her.
A few years latter, her parents were richer due to selling ground. They became businessman and businesswoman. And the more time passed. The more they were rich. Little Fourth was also more beloved of all than ever before. However she was still modest and closed to me. But many people tried their best to good impress her, I felt myself being about to have a distance with her. Moreover, I had no way to conquer her love as the other. Therefore I retired into my shell when the others were around her. There was the time; she took me coming to our friend to play game. Reaching the friend's house, she said me "Go out", she only invited The Little Fourth. I got angry; I just came back my house. The Little Fourth hastily held my hand and told me not leaving. She said she would request the friend let me play with but I came out my hand and went off. From that day on, I didn't often go out my home any more, except that The Little Fourth called me.
Soon after, the family of The Little Fourth moved to urban to live. We were gradually a part although I didn't want. Sometimes I met her again but long time no sees her, I felt ashamed and embarrass to see her. I didn't know what to say with her when I met her again. Every time, she returned old village, I only saw her from far distance through a series of fence. In three years within from the day she went off to urban, she often sent me greeting card in New Year. But two in three times, I didn't send her a greeting card again. And for gradually, she didn't send me anything and me too. We became two of strangers. From bottom of my heart, I am very sorry about that. I was stupid, I don't know how to connect with her again although sometimes we saw each other.
The Little Fourth probably thought that my love for her faded out in bygone day and I don't need her any more. Only I does know that I still miss her so much when she appears in front of my eyes. I feel delighted for her becoming a good friend of me. I'm grateful to her for being on my side in the childhood. Only when I die will I forget her.