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Posts by RogerPham
Name: Thien Pham
Joined: Mar 21, 2017
Last Post: Mar 21, 2017
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From: Canada
School: Humber College

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Mar 21, 2017
Writing Feedback / Don't be a victim of interview bias [3]

Article recommendation

In my opinion, Interview Bias is reason why interviews may not get a good job or get a poor evaluation from the interviewers. First of all, I think that all candidates should understand what interview bias is. And, they'd better prepare plans to deal with them. A bias can be an opinion about whether a person is good or bad; of course, it's effect to the interviewer's decisions. Secondly, the author refer to eight biases that can happen during an interview, such as The Halo Effect Bias, The Contrast Bias and Cultural Noise Bias. Through these biases I feel that interviewers base biases on cognitive biases that cause them to evaluate may not be accurate. Also, they can choose wrong candidates versus job requirements. For example, a job applicant make a good impression on the interviewer, but he's weak some skill that job requirements. Finally, I think job candidates can antagonize biases by comprehend the types of biases that occur. Moreover, they should learn how to proceeding throughout an interview. In general, this article is very useful for people who are looking for a job. Also, I recommend this article to students who recently graduated from college or university should read at least one time. Because it's could help them to find a good job.

I write my opinion about this article
link article: aol/article/2010/06/15/interview-bias/19513463/
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