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Posts by hoanglong
Name: Nguyen Hoang Long
Joined: Mar 31, 2017
Last Post: Mar 31, 2017
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From: Viet Nam
School: Ngo Quyen High School

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Mar 31, 2017
Writing Feedback / Smartphone today - how to live without them? [5]

Most people say that life without smartphones today would be impossible. However, a minority argue that the word would be better if it were smartphone - free. What is your opinion?

better world without smartphones?

The twenty first century is known as the technological era, humankind is dominated by high technology. That said, anywhere at any time of the day, you can see the state - of - the - art devices, particularly smartphones. A great number of people argue that without smartphones, it is difficult to people to survive. However, many argue that our life will be no longer hustle and bustle anymore if we do not use smartphones.

One the one hand, smartphone has numerous benefits. Compare to the first generation of telephones which are bulky and have little function, mobile phones now are more tricky and compact, so you can bring them anywhere you like. Not only do they use to text messages or make phone calls, but they also alike laptops that can access the network, download information. What is more, thanks to would - be phones, people acquire new skills or update latest news. Taking picture is no longer need a camera because today you have smartphone having a function to do that. The quality of pictures is in no way interior to one's camera.

On the other hand, some who continue to suggest otherwise, arguing the world would be better if it were smartphone - free. Living without the, we are become cooler person, when we hang out with friends, for example, we interact more and do not focus on phones which give rise to a stable friendship. Being phone - free, more time do you relax, much stress will you decrease. No e - mails, no phone calls, no messages, that means there will no pressure.

In conclusion, like everything else, Smartphones also have merits and demerits. But I'm in favor of using smartphones to make our life better and more modern. And of course, you must using it effectively to make positive use of such advanced technology.
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