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Posts by Sol19921992
Name: Jalaleh
Joined: Oct 17, 2017
Last Post: Oct 20, 2017
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From: Iran
School: Shfzl.high school

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Oct 20, 2017
Writing Feedback / Punishment for each type of crime was often a prominent rule in societies [2]

Hi i have written an introduction for Cambridge 7,test 2 , task2 writing , could someone please check this for me?!

Some people believe that there should be fixed punishment for each type of crime...

considering the state of affairs when judging a crime

Punishment for each type of crime was often a prominent rule in societies. That is why logically it caused a differ on point of views. Some people are of the opinion that there should be firm considered penalization. Others, however believe that the state of affairs on one's discrete crime or the inducement for committing it should unceasingly be taken into consideration, when determining on the punishment. My opinion is definitely on the latter.
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