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Posts by moneyka
Joined: Sep 11, 2009
Last Post: Sep 11, 2009
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From: United States of America

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Sep 11, 2009
Writing Feedback / the problems of balancing school, job and a family. [7]

People say life is full of struggles, and to succeed one must be able to balance the problems he faces. One can feel the problem in any age at various matters. Let's say for a student, it might be in his studies the difficulty to concentrate, or for a simple person might be being unable to earn and run the family. Additionally, the problems a man faces of balancing school, job and a family at a same time, is more difficult.

(this is my first paragraph including thesis statement, i am not being able to write anything, so can you please suggest me whether the paragraph works for my topic or not, and i can be able to continue on it)

thank you.
Sep 11, 2009
Writing Feedback / the problems of balancing school, job and a family. [7]

the topic is,
the problems of balancing the school, job and a family.

and i dont know what to write, am kinda confused so... jus tried to write but nothing popped in my mind... can you suggest me what kind of essay it should be, a personal narrative or??

thank you.
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