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Posts by Praise
Name: Praise
Joined: May 25, 2018
Last Post: May 25, 2018
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From: Nigeria
School: Convenant university

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May 25, 2018
Letters / My letter of intent to do a Master program in US - HR Management [2]

my interest in Human Resources

Pursing a Master's Degree is a dream I would love to actualise. I consider it as a necessity for me to advance in my career, as well as, contribute immensely to the body of knowledge.

My first introduction to Human resource management came as a result of an encounter in my working place. The result of this encounter incited my interest in the field and this aided my understanding of the roles played by human resource managers, especially in solving human issues in every organization. I have come to understand that the growth of any organization is dependent on the collaborative effort of the employees and productivity of performance is solely determined by the human resource manager.

In view of this, I have decided to take up the masters program in Human resource management, because this field serves as the fuel that runs every enterprise. I am also interested in the role it plays in actualising the goal of every organization
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