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Posts by khoipham305
Name: khôi
Joined: Jul 20, 2018
Last Post: Jul 20, 2018
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From: Viet Nam
School: nam ha

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Jul 20, 2018
Writing Feedback / Much stricter punishments on traffic driving offenses to decrease the road accidents [3]

safety on roads

Nowadays, in many countries the traffic accidents is still increasing day by day. much stricter punishments on traffic driving offenses are being promulgated by the governments which will decrease the road accidents. In addition, the driving offenses can lose somebody's live who should be imprisoned to deter everyone from breaking the rules. And that offender will become disciplined when they will be released. However, in my opinion, severe punishments for improving the road safety will not solve the issue thoroughly, but some solutions are also able to overcome effectively the road accidents. Firstly, infrastructure should be upgraded that build more lights in crossroads or folks, broaden roads for more lanes. Especially building lanes for cyclist is one of solutions which help to decrease the vehicles. Secondly, in many cities people use a lot of the private vehicles. Therefore, the government should impose heavy tax when people buy and use the vehicles. Then, private car taxes are high, people will choose the public transports in daily life. But the government should sanitize on public transports, specially busses. Finally, the government should try some new ways to reduce road accidents instead of imposing taxes.
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