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Name: Alex
Joined: Sep 3, 2018
Last Post: Sep 3, 2018
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From: Taiwan
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Sep 3, 2018
Writing Feedback / IELTS essay question about vegetarian issue [2]

is the vegetarian diet really so healthy?

Some people choose to eat no meat or fish. They believe that this is not only better for their own health but also benefits the world as a whole.

Discuss this view and give your own opinion.

The number of vegetarian raised dramatically in recent years throughout the world, and many people believe that not to eat meat or fish is beneficial for both human health and the world. In my opinion, I disagree with this idea, and my point of view will be illustrated in this paragraph.

It can not be denied that consuming too much meat may harm human health, and there are certain sorts of nutrition contained in vegetable which is essential for human. On the other hand, to fulfill the need of eating meat as a food source, more animal must be raised by stock farming industry, and it has been proved that over raising certain kinds of animals may damage the global environment. Moreover, the ethical issue of killing animals for food has been considered by many people recently.

However, is none meat diet habit suits every single person properly? For instance, some patience suffered from deceases that required to absorb more protein form meat, vegetarian style of dieting may cause their decease even worse. Further more, to tackle the environment issue caused by stock farming industry, people should find the way to minimize the need for the kind of animals which damaged our environment. For example, we should avoid consuming beef because cow emissions gas which causes climate change.

To sum up, be an vegetarian can get benefit for health and environment indeed. Nevertheless, it is less likely to suit everyone, and there is vital nutrition contained in meat as well. Thus, people should find a balance in absorbing different kinds of food source as well as protecting the environment.


This is an IELTS essay question, can some one give me advises? Thanks!
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