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Posts by hangtan
Name: Kieu Hang
Joined: Feb 20, 2019
Last Post: Feb 20, 2019
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From: Viet Nam
School: Phan Chau Trinh High School

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Feb 20, 2019
Writing Feedback / IELTS ESSAY: Failure is proof that the desire wasn't strong enough [3]

the power of will

'Failure is proof that the desire wasn't strong enough'
To what extent do you agree with this statement?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
You should write at least 250 words.

Most people spend their lives trying to achieve things, even when they are claiming the opposite. From getting high grades, impressing people, looking cool and unbothered, to getting a good job, we consciously or subconsciously put in some efforts to get or be what we want. Some believe that there is a strong correlation between the effort one dedicates to an objective and the outcome, and that failure to do something is the evidence of a person's lack of desire. Considering the essence of failure, I completely disagree with this opinion.

First and foremost, as romanticized as it is, the power of will is not so universal that it can produce success despite all other factors. For tasks that are self-manageable, such as being nicer to other people, becoming more honest, or just adopting a more positive view in life, a person's desire to overcome a challenge can be the most significance component in deciding the outcome. However, most other ordeals involves numerous variables: supporters, opponents, finances, time, available resources, luck, et cetera. As we are just human beings, we cannot expect to control all of these component with our desire. For example, a swimmer, however desperately want a gold medal in the Olympics, is unlikely to achieve it after a traffic accident that leaves them with two limbs left. The best they can do is to participate in the Paralympics, as modern science cannot provide prothestic limbs that are efficient and fair for sports yet. To blame the athlete for "not wanting enough" in this case would be inconsiderate.

Furthermore, failure is subjective and temporary. If a person really strive to achieve what they want, losing a few times along the way is normal, and not reflective of their powerful will. Failures are also what we make of them - an optimist may consider himself lucky and successful in an outcome, but a pessimist may believe the complete opposite. For example, Megadeth, one of the most successful metal bands that the world has witnessed, was founded by a guitarist who had been kicked off his previous band just at the doorstep of stardom. He worked day and night for his new band, which sold more than 120 million records a decade later. While it might be common sense to consider this guitarist a successful artist, at the end of his life he still pitifully looked at himself as a failure, as the band that kicked him out became Metallica, which sold 500 million records. A failure is not inherently a failure in itself, but rather something open to intepretation.

To conclude, to attribute failure and success to mere desire would be a great mistake. While we cannot be successful in everything just through willpower, we still have the power of stop blaming, carrying on, and deciding the next step. The ultimate thing of significance is one's perspective.

Thank you for your feedback!
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