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Posts by tony98s
Name: Nguyễn Văn Tài
Joined: Jun 25, 2019
Last Post: Jul 24, 2021
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From: Viet Nam
School: Yersin University

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Jul 24, 2021
Writing Feedback / Zoos are cruel and should be closed down [2]

the issue with zoos

Task: Some people think that zoos are cruel and should be closed down. Others, however, believe that zoos can be useful in protecting wild animals. Discuss both opinions and give your own.

My essay:

Wildlife conservation is of great importance and zoos are one of the possible solutions to protect wild animals species from the threat of extinction. Some critics argue that the existence of zoos is not necessary because it is cruel to capture the living creatures in conservation areas. On the contrary, some strongly advocate zoos due to their contributions to the preservation of wildlife. In my opinion, I am reclined towards the latter notion and will clarify both points of view in this essay.

It can be seen in zoos that many species are being mistreated. Due to the difficulties in adopting a totally new living environment, hundreds of endangered species are forced or even tortured to eat strange food. Then comes the death and even extinction of those animals. For example, Ba Be turtle, a threatened and endangered animal species in Vietnam, is inhibited their reproductive capacities, resulting in facing the brink of extinction. Therefore, governments should introduce legislation to restrict or ban zoos from being open to the public.

To some extent, zoos can be useful in the process of animal preservation. First, the ecological diversity can be maintained in the areas keeping abundant categories of wild animal genes. Apparently, this is regarded as a contributing factor in reinstating biodiversity. It can be justified that primates such as apes or monkeys are prone to poaching and slaughter. So, zoos can relatively protect them from such anthropogenic harmful activities. In addition, governments can easily raise people's awareness by facilitating tourists to visit the animal conservation areas. In other words, the sense of wildlife conservation can be promoted to the public and at the same time, attracting anyone to contribute to the campaign of saving endangered animal species prior to their extinction. Annually, educational institutions, for instance, can organize wildlife trips for students to have deeper understandings of wildlife and its implications on our lives.

In conclusion, threatened and endangered animals should be protected in zoos, though there are some mistreatments as a few exceptions. I, personally, opine that zoos are helpful in keeping wildlife diverse and will be a backbone in promoting wild animal protection if governments grant permission to be open to the public. (365 words)
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