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Posts by clover_vt
Name: Nguyen Thi Kim Uyen
Joined: Mar 4, 2020
Last Post: Mar 10, 2020
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From: Viet Nam
School: Open University

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Mar 4, 2020

some species are on the verse of extinction

Topic: Influence of human beings on the world's ecosystem is leading to the extinction of species and loss of bio-diversity.
What are the primary causes of loss of bio-diversity?
What solutions can you suggest?

Humankind has made many impacts on the natural system that cause the disappearance of a huge number of breeds and the damage on biological diversity. This essay will discuss the reasons why biodiversity is destructed and the alternatives can be addressed to overcome these problems.

Two of the biggest reasons of the threatened ecosystem are habitat destruction and global warming. Firstly, numbers of different species of plants and animals are losing their habitation due to the deforestation and polluting oceans. Species which are physically large and those living in forests or oceans are more affected by habitat reduction. Secondly, the increase of the global climate is one of the major causes of unbalance biodiversity. For example, the emissions are produced by factories and vehicles has caused the greenhouse effect. As the result, extreme weather conditions including massive flooding and polar ice melting are mainly attributed to the extinction of species.

Governments could certainly make more effort to protect the environment to reduce the raising temperatures. They could introduce laws to limits fumes from manufacturers or force companies to use renewable energy from wind, solar or water power. Another method is to impose "green taxes" on drivers and airline companies. In this way, people would be encouraged to use public transports and to take fewer flights abroad, therefore reducing the emissions.

In conclusion, several actions can be taken to tackle the main reasons why the species are on the verse of extinction.
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