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Posts by mhoang1998 [Suspended]
Name: Minh Hoang
Joined: Mar 7, 2020
Last Post: Mar 7, 2020
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From: Viet Nam
School: Van Lang University

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Mar 7, 2020
Writing Feedback / IELTS Writing task 2: Strict punishments for driving offences or other measures would be effective [2]

Some people think that strict punishments for driving offences are the key to reduce traffic accidents. Others, however believe that other measures would be more effective in improving road safety. Discuss both views give your own opinion.

People have different views when they are looking for a method to ensure the safety of vehicles and pedestrians. I believe that the answer for this question should be the combination of punishments and range of measures.

On the one hand, strict punishments can certainly help to ensure to drive more safely. Harsh penalties for careless driver prevent them from repeating their offences again. The most serious penalty could be prison sentence of up to 5 years. The aims of these punishment is to warn dangerous drivers against breaking the rule, furthermore, raise their driving habits. As a result drivers would be more careful behind the wheel and more disciplined.

On the other hand, safe driving can be better in different ways without the need of punishing drivers. I believe that government should spend more money on upgrading public transportation which might lead to fewer people travel by cars. One thing that is noticeable about children is that they can be easily educated than adults, traffic law should be added as a part of education sectors in primary school to raise the road safety awareness. This is significant that traffic signs should be placed along the road in order to give drivers adequate time to respond to the command.

In conclusion, while punishments can prevent bad driving and make drivers worry about payment. other road safety measures should be conducted into reality. It would be more effectively if we put them together to make a huge effect on road safety.
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