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Posts by Ldh123456
Name: Phuong
Joined: Jun 10, 2020
Last Post: Jun 10, 2020
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From: Viet Nam
School: HCM University of Law

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Jun 10, 2020
Writing Feedback / IELTS TASK 1 - The charts below show that what UK graduate and postgraduates students who did not go [2]

Destination of uk graduates and postgraduates in 2008

The charts below show that what UK graduate and postgraduates students who did not go into full-time work did after leaving college in 2008.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make a comparisons where relevant.

The two charts display the intentions of graduate and postgraduate students in the UK after finishing their courses in college in the year 2008.

Overall, while the further study was the section that most of the UK's college-leavers decided to take as their next destination after leaving the institution, voluntary work was the choice that attracted the least interest from these students.

In terms of graduate students, the number of people who decided to upgrade their academic level was recorded as the highest number shown on the chart, with about 29665 individuals. In contrast, the figure for voluntary work stood at only 3500, making it the least attractive section among all categories. The second popular choice was placed to a part-time job with the figure at around 17735. There were about 16255 graduate students in the UK recorded to be in the state if unemployment in 2008.

A similar pattern can be found in the chart for postgraduates as the most popular thing that postgraduate students would like to take was to seek for further study, the figure for this purpose was at 2725. Followed by part-time work, its figure stood at approximately 2536, rewarding it the second place on the given chart. On the other hand, voluntary work still kept its bottom place when receiving only 345 students' choices. It was recorded that there were about 1625 postgraduates in the UK couldn't find a job after leaving college in 2008.

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