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Posts by thjn
Name: thin
Joined: Jul 24, 2021
Last Post: Jul 24, 2021
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From: Viet Nam
School: ftu

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Jul 24, 2021
Writing Feedback / The rise of fuel price is one of the most effective ways to protect the environment [2]

The best way to resolve international environmental problems is to increase the cost of fuel

Many people argue that increasing the price of fuel is one of the most effective ways to protect the environment, while others think this solution is not necessary. I completely agree with this view.

The rising price of fuel could demotivate the economy's development. When fuel's price is higher, factories have to pay more money for the manufacturing process. This means these factories would sell their products at higher prices to compensate for the gain of fuel's price. From that, customers find it costly and mitigate shopping activities. Many companies can face default risk and have no money to pay for taxes. As a result, the revenue of the government from taxes would be shrinking and would not be adequate to invest in education, infrastructure, and health care systems. The fluctuations in fuel prices are likely to have a devastating effect on the life of all residents.

Apart from the practical disadvantages expressed above, It is true that raising the cost of fuel would bring numerous benefits to societies. Higher fuel's price means that people have to pay more money to commute to work, which limits the frequency of driving individual cars. Instead, people tend to use public transportation and take fewer flights for savings. These activities could help reduce gas emissions from factories and vehicles, which is the main cause of global warming.

In conclusion, a thriving economy is necessary; however, we can not ignore the importance of the environment. I believe that imposing higher taxes on fuel can help prevent climate change.
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