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Posts by bmlgoeb
Name: Hà
Joined: Aug 4, 2021
Last Post: Aug 4, 2021
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From: Viet Nam
School: Foreign Language Specialized School

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Aug 4, 2021
Writing Feedback / Problems & Solutions of a growing gap between technical skills of younger people and those over 50 [2]

technical skills disparity among generations

In the contemporary world, rapid advances in technology and the lack of technical training in over fifty-year-old people have resulted in a growing gap between the technology-using ability of those people and the young. This has resulted in serious consequences which should be addressed urgently. This essay will analyze the problems and suggest some feasible measures to tackle this trend.

The first problem is that elderly people face a range of difficulties in accessing some services as well as communicating at present. It is undeniable that technology such as online banking or ID purchasing has become prevalent nowadays, which means that older people may suffer hardship from using these services in daily life. In addition, they find it complex to integrate into society with advanced means of communication and social media. One possible solution would be to encourage their younger family members to teach them basic technical skills to keep up with the development since they are close and willing to go together with them. Nevertheless, many elderly people do not have children to accompany them with approaching technology.

Another issue of this trend is that there could be a deficiency in technological well-trained human resources. Although governments, society concentrate most efforts on training younger people, not all people who are over the age of fifty have retired and this disparity leads to the lack of technical skills for work between older people. Consequently, the quality of employees may decrease and there exists a high rate of unemployment among older people. Some people believe that the most effective answer is to offer older people opportunities to engage in some training course to compensate for skills they are missing. However, many older people may not be willing to attend the classes or afford the tuition fees.

In conclusion, the widening gap of technical skills between younger people and those over fifty results in a range of difficulties that older people face in daily life and a deficiency in technological well-trained human resources. From my perspective, more expenditure should be spent equally on technical skills training to minimize the gap.
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