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Posts by soulmate_nj94
Name: Nguyen Phuong Thao
Joined: Aug 14, 2021
Last Post: Aug 14, 2021
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From: Viet Nam

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Aug 14, 2021
Writing Feedback / Nowadays, both men and women spend a lot of money on beauty care. This was not so in the past. [2]

Nowadays, both men and women spend a lot of money on beauty care. This was not so in the past. What may be the root cause of this behavior?

Discuss the reasons and possible results.

Cosmetic industry is worth billions. Unlike the past, most people, irrespective of gender, spend a huge amount of money on beauty products and regard the usage of these elegance care subjects as an aspect of life. From my viewpoint, this is primarily provoked by the desire to garner attention and the increasing urge of following the latest trend.

At first glance, a smart look brings infinite benefits. Charming people are often believed to
make a strong impression on others, which helps develop intimate relationships and build firm commitment. In addition, good-looking appearance brings many unique career opportunities. For example, such jobs involving tertiary industry as flight attendant, cashiers or travel agents have a tendency to employ attractive women and men.

Another fundamental reason is that people have a desperate craving to keep themself stylish. Owing to the fact that modern life renders people unwilling to accept the obsolescence, they try to imitate celebrities. This imitation would not only affect their clothing and behavior, but definitely have an impact on their natural appearance. People end up buying and using trendy available cosmetics because they are more in the lifestyle of superstars.

Consequently, the overuse of cosmetics has many unwanted results. Some chemical ingredients in foundation and cushion can cause allergy and lead to the growth of acne. Additionally, daily use of beauty creams runs a risk of making the skin thinner and more sensitive. Seriously, mascara can corrupt the coating of tears.

In conclusion, due to aforementioned reasons, I believe that both men and women should take the use of cosmetics under control. At the same time, they had better try using beauty products made from natural materials as well as maintain a healthy lifestyle.
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