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Name: Le Thi Thom
Joined: Aug 19, 2022
Last Post: Aug 19, 2022
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From: Viet Nam
School: Hanoi University of Science and Technology

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Aug 19, 2022
Writing Feedback / The proportion of the employment of first-year teachers by year of graduation in Ontario; IELTS 1 [2]

The employment of first-year teachers

The line graph gives the information about the proportion of the employment of first-year teachers by year of graduation in Ontario from 2001 to 2007. Overall, the percentage of English-language teachers fell down dramatically, while the figure for French-language teachers fluctuated and hit the highest point in 2007. In addition, English-language instructors saw the greatest decrease over the period.

As for teachers who taught English, the percentage of them had a sharp decrease from 73% to 40% in the period of 2001 - 2003. Since then to 2005, the number of new graduates who found jobs in teaching English slightly increased to approximately 43% (2005). However, it began to dip again to 32% and 28% in 2006 and 2007, respectively.

Regarding new graduates who worked as French teachers, the proportion of them was 70% which lower than that of English teachers recruitment in 2001. There was a decrease in the percentage of the employment of new French teachers in 2002, about 53%. The number of French new graduate teachers then surpassed the number of English teachers after 2002 and fluctuated between 2003 and 2006. In 2007, the highest figure was recorded for French instructors with nearly 73%.

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