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Name: Benedict
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Aug 25, 2022
Writing Feedback / [IELTS - WRITING TASK 2] Spend money to construct new railway or to improve public transport [2]

discuss both views and give your opinion

Observation in both developed and developing nations finds controversy on the issue of how government should invest financial funds in national transportation. There is an increasingly popular opinion claiming that financial support should go for building new railways, facilitating quick trains between different cities. At the same time, other people hold that financial effort should be focused on enhancing the current transportation in public. I incline that both of the standpoints deserve recognition, as they are both logically sound arguments.

On the one hand, train in general, and fast train in specific, are becoming more and more crucial in today's society. In fact, modern people tend to commute from their home to the work office on a daily basis, and fast trains appear to be the most optimal choice for their moving pattern. For instance, it may take approximately 20 minutes to get to the desired destination, compares to 45 minutes if individuals choose public buses instead. Obviously, taking a fast train would be more beneficial in today's lifestyle, especially in densely populated cities with heavy traffic congestion. For this reason, investing a greater amount of money should be prudently considered and carefully applied to big cities.

On the other hand, public transport such as buses is commonly advocated to be the topmost solution for reducing carbon dioxide emissions within the atmosphere. Indeed, upgrading public transport would encourage more people to use it, as well as abolish the number of vehicles on the street during rush hours. For example, in rural areas where the existence of public buses is limited, residents are suffering difficulties when moving from their place to other areas. Clearly, enhancing the current state of public transport in the countryside and rural areas would benefit the vast majority in the long run, especially in developing nations with a limited provision in terms of public transportation.

To be conclusive, greater investment in terms of railways for fast trains is worth applying in densely populated cities, where citizens possess a high demand for commuting. Simultaneously, investment goes for upgrading current public transportation should be considered in rural areas, whose citizens are facing barriers when transporting between places.

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