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Posts by Xuan Son
Name: Nguyễn Xuân Sơn
Joined: Oct 8, 2022
Last Post: Oct 8, 2022
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From: Viet Nam
School: Nguyen Du

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Xuan Son   
Oct 8, 2022
Writing Feedback / IELTS Task 2 - Online communication is breaking down geographical barriers and enabling people [2]

1. Some people think that being able to communicate with others online is breaking down geographical barriers and enabling people, who would normally never have the chance to meet, to communicate.

What are the advantages of international communication online? Are there any disadvantages to this?

(250 - 300 words)

My work:
In the modern era, the dominant of network connected devices like smartphone, i-pad and laptop is a norm in every nations around the globe. Hence, many people praise the usefulness of the ability to communicate via the Internet that those devices enable them to. So, what would be the benefits of online communication? Are there any drawbacks? Personally, I reckon that there are both gains and handicaps when meeting via the Internet which I will explain further into the essay.

First and foremost, communicating through the Internet allows the users to meet up with other anywhere and anytime. This is because of the ability of digital devices, enabling us to call or chat where the network is available. For instance, communicating via Internet has helped our community to thrive and combat contagious diseases like covid-19. Instead of working and meeting directly, people can earn their livelihoods and host meetings via the Internet. Moreover, having the capability of contacting anyone at any time can be a lifesaver in emergency. This stems from the fact that the smartphones have became everyone`s company in their daily life. Thus, calling for help is just one button away. For instance, in many situations like kidnapping, smuggling and so on, the mobile phone has been a great assistant to the police forces in the last decades.

Nevertheless, every coins have two sides and so is the online communication. It is noticeable that contacting via the internet can never reach the full potential of direct meeting since it can cause misunderstanding, uncertainty and distrust. This is because of the absence of body language and the feeling of being connected to each other. For instance, it is more likely to cause an argument when chatting online rather than talking face to face.

To conclude, communicating is a double-edged sword, it grants the users the convenient of communicating online and the capability of calling for help in dire cases. However, it can also cause hatred and misunderstanding when communicating online.

I am going to have a test soon, thank for your help.
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