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Posts by Marchious
Name: Marchious
Joined: Dec 12, 2022
Last Post: Dec 12, 2022
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From: Argentina
School: la martina le cole

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Dec 12, 2022
Undergraduate / Infected with corona - overcome a challenge or difficulty in your life? Global UGRAD [4]

Hello friends, please tell me on what should be improved regarding my essay.,

overcoming a challenge or difficulty essay

Being infected with corona does not represent the most significant possible problem because some people have been infected and recovered from this disease. Modern treatments appeared for this virus but getting infected only two months before the third grade of secondary school exams constitutes a big problem! I am a diligent student since childhood who always strives to get the highest grades possible. In the third grade of secondary school, I had a big problem: I got infected by the Coronavirus, which led to complete isolation from family and friends, and even the biggest problem was that I was prevented from going to school or meeting any teacher; therefore, how can I get high grades to join my preferred faculty, which is faculty of engineering?

How am I going to go to school and take my lessons? How will I finish the required classes before the exams come? While thinking about how I could solve these problems, I remembered I had an old tablet I bought three years ago. I brought it and made sure that it was still working. I started looking for educational lessons for what I should study. I found some YouTube channels that explain my curriculum. I was lying in bed and staying at home for 24 hours; because of my fatigue, I slept more than 12 hours daily. Nevertheless, I was studying all the remaining time of the day. I was trying every day to do my best.

I was improving, but I still had a big problem: I needed help to solve some math and physics problems and need a tiny hint for others to solve them. However, I had nobody to discuss with because of the isolation. Hence, I must find a solution; after long thinking, I wonder, shall we make a group of infected people who cannot reach out to teachers easily like me and help each other? Moreover, I have already done that. In the beginning, we were 8. I suggested that each person who is excellent in a specific material explain the challenging problems in that material to the others and be responsible for solving all members' questions about it. This system worked so well.

We were still doing this until the exams, and we were already succeeding! I went to the examination location and did all the exams so well. After one month, the results appeared. I came first in the school with 93.4% and was in the top 60th over the governorate! Furthermore, I eventually joined the Faculty of Engineering at Mansoura University. It was not easy, but it is possible to achieve anything with perseverance and determination.

In conclusion, I joined the faculty of engineering, but the most important thing is that I became a completely different person than I used to be. I learned many values from this experience. I learned how to work hard under pressure and never assume the victim role; instead, I think smartly about how to deal with this problem. Additionally, I learned how to communicate and collaborate with people from different governorates through my existence in the study group I created. I respect their attitudes, different Arabic accents, and their mentalities. I learned how effectively manage the available time to achieve outstanding achievements. That experience was a change point in my life; after that, I became more able to adapt to any new situation. I became more organized in the available time, which led to significantly excelling at the university and getting 96% in the first semester.
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