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Posts by Thaithao47 [Suspended]
Name: Hoang Thi Thai Thao
Joined: Dec 19, 2022
Last Post: Dec 21, 2022
Threads: 1
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From: Viet Nam

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Dec 19, 2022
Writing Feedback / Power generation (IELTS writing task2 2 part question) [2]

Raising household electricity fees is the most effective solution to the problem associated with power generation and environmental pollution.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

What other measures do you think might be effective in reducing the environmental pollution caused by power generation

While some people might argue that increasing the cost of household usage is the vitality of addressing the issue regarding power resources and environmental pollution, I firmly disagree and believe that it's urbanization and industrialization which are the main causes and there are some potential measures to tackle these problems as below.

Though it's undisputed that irresponsible power consumerism for individual purposes brings about a significant contribution to energy waste and environmental changes, I strongly believe that the median of electricity billing plays a minor factor in comparison with business and exploration activities. For this reason, raising residential energy utilities would be no avail to accommodate the issue. Instead, stricter regulations should be applied to organizations that are in conjunction with burning fossil fuels and depleting toxic emissions.

To elucidate, the environmental issue is complex and it's pleading combinations of many ultimate actions to conserve it. It's undoubtedly that the robust reliance of humans on nuclear power is the major driver of climate change. That is the reason why policymakers should apply extra costs to the activities of corporations associated with emitting greenhouse gas and chemical compounds. These substances in the environment will pollute the soil and water seriously and jeopardize the ecology as well as the species living up on it. Additionally, utilizing new types of energy which are more sustainable, such as wind/solar resources, geothermal power, and tidal energy, is highly necessary to reduce pressure on the planet due to burning fossil fuel. Government subsidies should be vitally focused on developing new technology and exploiting new resources as well.

In conclusion, human activities are responsible for environmental changes due to their power needs. Increasing fees on personal electricity usage is not an effective way to tackle the problem ultimately. Instead, sturdy legislation on business and the development of new resources would make a substantial change to the environment.
Dec 21, 2022
Writing Feedback / Concentrate on only a single skill - IELTS Wrtiting TASK 2 [3]

they had no income from offline classes for several weeks, and the reason is that the only job they know how to do is teach foreign languages.

--> i think you should fortify this opinion by giving the audience the advantages of having multiple skills in the pandemic. EX : he/she is more adaptable with situation by changing their career to get through.
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