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Posts by PED65
Name: Peldro Rooney
Joined: Feb 20, 2023
Last Post: Feb 21, 2023
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From: Solomon Islands
School: University of the south Pacific

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Feb 21, 2023
Scholarship / Growing up in the Solomon Islands - why did you choose your proposed course and institution*? [2]

why did you choose your proposed course and institution?

Growing up in the Solomon Islands, a third world country where there is high rate of poverty, unstable economy, poor governance, corruption, lack of employment opportunity, high fertility and mortality rates, climate vulnerability, increase dependency on AID and soaring debts is really difficult. I chose my courses because I am sure that it will expand my knowledge and skill in learning to understand the problems and contribute to find and implement solutions to address the problems face by my country in terms of governance. For instance, today in the Solomon Islands 80% of youths are currently unemployed. Hence, my proposed study choice will contributes on development of policies and approaches to address the problem.

Furthermore, in terms of institution choice, I prefer studying in the University of the South Pacific (USP) because I believe that the institution is one of the best in Oceania that has credibility in my program of study choice. In addition, I highly believe that studying in the institution and country that shares the same issues provides a more practical insight on the impacts and solutions development for the problems.
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