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Posts by johnruiz
Joined: Feb 21, 2010
Last Post: Feb 21, 2010
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From: United States of America

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Feb 21, 2010
Undergraduate / "larger and profound education" - Why did i choose to apply to ucf? [2]

I'm applying to the University of Central Florida because I feel that I'm ready for a much larger and profound education. I've always been a year ahead, in terms of grade levels; I skipped eighth grade and enrolled straight into high school, leading into me graduating at the age of sixteen. After high school, I chose to apply to Broward College for one year because I felt it would be a good stepping-stone to then take off for a bigger university. Looking throughout different Universities, I found the computer science program in the University of Central Florida to be one of the best; they'll prepare me for what the market is looking for in software development. UCF will give me the correct preparation for a graduate school where I can master my abilities to succeed and change the world.

Thank you, John
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