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Posts by suam9044
Joined: Jun 3, 2010
Last Post: Jun 3, 2010
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From: Korea, Democratic People's Republic of

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Jun 3, 2010
Undergraduate / What can you contribute to SPP? "Helping others" [6]

what can you contribute to global community

I bought Nike shoes from the Mall of America, but the shoes made from Malaysia. When I was reading the description of the shoes from the shoebox, I saw six different languages from English to Japanese. Why is there six different languages for the shoe description? Because the shoes that I bought probably sell in six different countries. This is only small example of our daily life as global community. We are living in global community right now. My contributions to a global community are my open-mind attitude, volunteering experience.

In my opinion, Open-mind is essential to make contribution in global community. The traveling experience developed me to be an open-minded person. If you are not open-minded person, you will be difficult to accept diversity. I respect other people's idea and culture. Openness gave me more experience of how to deal with others with sharing knowledge and respect. It also keep me well supplied with new ideas that can further its vision.

I believe contributing to global community starts from community near by you. I contribute my volunteering experience to different communities. My volunteering experience in the hospital contributes to the health care system. I also contribute to urban society by volunteering for Habitat for Humanity and to zoology community by volunteering for Minnesota Zoo.

Open-mined attitude, volunteering experience are my strong strength that I can contribute to global community. I want to make a difference in global community. Therefore, I will find more skills to contribute global community.

#I think my essay is weak.
but I have no idea what to write.
can someone help me? give your opinion or idea plz!!
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