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Posts by blue14angelz
Joined: Aug 17, 2010
Last Post: Aug 17, 2010
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From: Philippines

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Aug 17, 2010
Essays / "WHY DO PEOPLE HAVE FAVORITISM" - paragraph writing [5]

,,hi guyz..need your help! hope you can give me some tips of making a paragraph..i was confused on how to start my paragraph writing..cause eventually i'm not good in writing...

my problem is that my instructor give us an assignment. he told us to make/composed our own paragraph by basing this title "WHY DO PEOPLE HAVE FAVORITISM" using the (7)ways method of an effective paragraph.

thank in advance!!!
Aug 17, 2010
Essays / "WHY DO PEOPLE HAVE FAVORITISM" - paragraph writing [5]

that's why i'm confused cause i don't know how to start my paragraph....

1.paragraph development by definition
4.comparison and contrast
5.cause and effect

the given is that title, now we are supposed to make it into a paragraph form..that's only our idea " why do people have favoritism...

its not just our own experiences but in general...
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