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Posts by seminole1
Joined: Oct 10, 2010
Last Post: Oct 10, 2010
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Oct 10, 2010
Undergraduate / "No 7th cranial nerve" - Virus,Mores, Artes. [3]

The Latin words, "Vires, Artes, Mores" have been the guiding philosophy behind Florida State University. Vires signifies strength of all kinds - moral, physical, and intellectual; Artes alludes to the beauty of intellectual pursuits as exemplified in skill, craft, or art; and Mores refers to character, custom, or tradition. Describe how one or more of the values embodied in these concepts are reflected in your life.

When i was born, i didnt have the 7th cranial nerve. This causes you to have no feeling in parts of your face. Lucky for me, i only had a minor case. I am not able to show my teeth when i smile, i can not wrinkle my forhead, and i only have feeling in my right eyebrow. Growing up you could say as a child, was very difficult for me in school to be made fun of all the time. When i reached high school, things started to get better. Vires reflects in my life through all the times i was judged,made fun of because I never let it knock me down, i shined through it no matter what. I became a strong person through all kinds of Vires.

When it comes to horses, i have an unconditional love for them. Words can not express what they mean to me and how i can not live with out them in my life. My horse barbwire, was injured before i owned him personally. His right back foot got twisted in rope and cut up all the tissue in his hoof. So he walks on the tip of his hoof but you would never question he walked with a gimp. My horse made me the person i am today. He was is my barrel racing, pole bending, rodeo horse, you name it. He never let his bad leg effect him and stop him from doing anything. He always had so much heart just by looking deep in his eyes. My horse believe it or not, has taught me to always do what you love and never let anything stop you. I beilieve this is where my moral stength and character come from.

At my stay Florida State, i would not only live up to the testinmonial life of "vires,Artes and Mores", but i believe it will make them stronger for me.

- Positive and negative comments are welcomed :)
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