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Posts by Chrisknanfi
Joined: Oct 30, 2010
Last Post: Nov 5, 2010
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From: USA

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Nov 5, 2010
Undergraduate / "Mentoring, tutoring, and fundraising" extracurricular activities or work experiences [5]

The Theory of Perception

Mentoring, tutoring, and fundraising of all kinds are particularly rewarding activities. As an extension of these roles, I work for what most perceive to be a bitter, old woman.

I was asked by my church leader to help an elderly parishioner with odd jobs around her house. I was hesitant when given the name and address because this woman is known by the church youth to be mean spirited. I went and what should have been a one-time favor is now an every other day undertaking. Aside from chores, I engage in playing board games, reading and simply conversing. Now she awaits my visits exuberantly.

Through this experience, I discovered that people of all ages have plenty in common and learned to adjust my perceptions of the intentions of others. Most of all, I have built an everlasting friendship and confirmed my love of people.
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