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Posts by tjdduq1213
Joined: Nov 19, 2010
Last Post: Nov 20, 2010
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From: Korea, Democratic People's Republic of

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Nov 20, 2010
Writing Feedback / 'My friend, Park - someone' has taught me more about the importance of life than else [2]

This is a paragraph writing homework of my english writing class not an essay.
I'm a student of South Korea and have some friends but none of them use English so I need your help to fix this paragraph!

I need your help in grammar, spelling, paragraph structure, abuse of same words and so on.
You can give me another good expressions for wrong ones.

Topic of the writing is 'Someone' has taught me more about the importance of happiness then anyone else in my life.

My friend Park has taught me mostly about the importance of happiness. He is about 180cms tall,

has wavy hair and enjoys listening to Japan rock music, in other words, he is a very common person we

can easily find nearby. The one thing he is different from other people is that he wants to find his

own happiness and always challange to grab it. Park is preparing for this year's university entrance

test. This is his third trial of the test and this time, he wishes to enter Chung ang university which is

famous for its department of act. First time he had the test, he failed. I was very concerned for his

failure, and the next time, it worsen. Sometimes I asked him isn't it difficult to prepare for just one

test again and again but whenever I asked him, he answered never. He was full of faith and it was

nature since this hardship was just for his happiness, not others'. Someone might say that he's just

a fool guy who doesn't know satisfation but I learned from him how the conviction for one's happiness

moves a man. Many people think that happiness is a condition which is well comfort, protected and

not distressed. However, Park has proven me that happiness is not merely a feeling of comfortable

but a power prompts our life to move.


Thank you for reading long writing.

I'm waiting your answer :D
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